School Profile

Scoil Íosagáin is one of the largest Primary schools in Donegal with a staff of 56 teachers and 38 special needs assistants.

 Scoil Íosagáin is a happy school community and it is our privilege to provide an education for the boys and girls entrusted to our care.

 Providing a model of integration, all pupils can learn together, play together and grow together in a school community that supports inclusion and celebrates difference.

Ten of our classes cater for pupils with Special Educational Needs including pupils with Severe General Learning Disability, pupils with Multiple Disabilities and children with Autism. This includes an Early Intervention/Pre-school class for children with Autism. Our children in Special Classes benefit from a highly supported classroom environment with a high adult/pupil ratio. Class size is 6 pupils and all Special Classes have a teacher and a minimum of 2 Special Needs Assistants (SNAs).

Special Education Teaching and Learning/Language Support is provided for pupils in mainstream classes, on a one-to-one basis, in small group settings and through in-class support or team-teaching.

During a visit to the school by a team of Inspectors from the Department of Education Scoil Íosagáin was described as providing “a welcoming, nurturing and inclusive learning environment for its pupils.”

We will continue to aspire towards the provision of an exemplary education for all pupils entrusted to our care.

The school is a focal point in the community not only for the school-going population but also for parents, relations and friends. Working closely together we can ensure that our children receive the best possible educational experience during their years at Scoil Íosagáin.