School Council

The aim of our School Council is to make Scoil Íosagáin a happier place by giving children’s voices and opinions importance in the decision-making mechanisms of the school. We have a dynamic and hard-working School Council.

School Council 2022-2023

The Council was established after Mrs Mc Nulty attended training organised by the HSE Health Promotion Unit. Council meetings take place once every month while class meetings are held every two weeks. Ideas raised at class meetings are brought forward to the agenda of the Council meeting. Elections take place every year in September to elect student representatives.

There is one pupil representative from each of our Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth classes along with two teacher representatives (Eileen Mc Nulty and Sinéad McLaughlin).

The Council members are great fundraisers! They previously raised money for Irish Epilepsy, Children with Leprosy in Ethiopia, the Creeslough Community Fund, Maths equipment for the school and other organisations.

Scoil Íosagáin Council is a fantastic support to the staff of our school. Go raibh mile maith agaibh a pháisti as an sár-obair a dhéanann sibh ar son na scoile.

Members of Scoil Íosagáin School Council had the privilege of meeting with the Ombudsman for Children, Doctor Niall Muldoon in 2019.